Wednesday, September 26, 2007

On [the gay] issue, the emergent crowd is becoming increasingly obscure. Brian McLaren was named by Time Magazine as one of the 25 most influential evangelicals in America. He was asked this question, “What is your position on gay marriage?” His answer was this: "You know what, the thing that breaks my heart is that there's no way I can answer it without hurting someone on either side." To which I would respond, “Now you have hurt God.” That we cannot simply say there are people who believe heterosexual marriage is acceptable, there are people who think that homosexual marriage is acceptable, and I plead the fifth and refuse to answer the question because someone will have their feelings hurt, when God is in heaven with His feelings hurt. Because He has spoken to this issue with great clarity. He then went on to say, in an online version of Christianity Today, to which I lost my mind and had to repent of what I said so I’m not telling you that he’s a bad guy and I’m a good guy, we’re both bad guys, Jesus is the good guy, he said, “Frankly, many of us don't know what we should think about homosexuality.” I’m not sure who the “many” are. Do you think he knows what he believes about homosexuality? Do you think that a man that is the age of, essentially, my father and has pastored a church for a good number of years has no idea where he is at on the issue of homosexuality? How many of you could possibly be in pastoral ministry and not have a position on homosexuality?

A huge percentage of the people who attend my church have all kinds of sexual sin including bisexuality and homosexuality. And no answer is an answer. An inability or unwillingness to answer the question is, in and of itself by virtue of silence, permission.” - Mark Driscoll – “Convergent Conversation Session 3; SEBTS”

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