Wednesday, September 26, 2007

“And in [the revisionist] sort of emergent stream, what concerns me is what I see in genesis 3. I (look at/hold up) the verbal, plenary, inerrancy, and authority of scripture. I might be the only guy in Seattle who does, but that’s where I’m at. And what I see in Genesis 3 is incredibly important because it shows us where history went askew, and we were led by the serpent, which revelation reveals is Satan our enemy, into error and folly, and that is through a conversation. And the emergent church has positioned itself as a conversation. A conversation about things that God has said; a conversation about whether or not God meant what He said. Of course, I don’t mind a conversation. I’ve got a wife and two daughters, I’ve had them.

But when God speaks, we are not to converse, we are to obey. And the subtle manipulation of God’s word is; God speaks, and we’re not denying that, we’re not attacking that, and we’re not undermining that, we just want to question that. And in that stream there are three men that are very prominent; Brian Mclaren, Doug Pagitt, and Rob Bell.” - Mark Driscoll – “Convergent Conversation Session 3; SEBTS” beginning at 18:50

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